Monday, February 11, 2013


Our Florida wedding reception in November 2012. That's right- we are newlyweds!

Tonight I am thankful. In a world where it is easy to focus on the things you want (things you think will make you happy)- tonight I choose to be thankful for the things I do have. And sometimes it's just that- a choice. One of the many things I am thankful for is my wonderful husband. Just look at him! He was so nice and helped me set up this blog. I am the computer challenged one in the family! So as I crawl into bed I'm going to be thinking of all the things I have to be thankful for- there are a lot of them! 


  1. Fyi I think i'm going to comment on all your posts so you know how much I love you, and how much I love your beautiful brown hair.

  2. You are super foxy with brown hair. I just rediscovered your blog, how did I forget about this, oh the shame! You can expect heartfelt comments to all your posts in the near future.


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